What ages and issues do you see?

We treat children ages 2-18 for a wide variety of speech and language issues and adults for persistent speech sound issues, stuttering, and accent modification. Our success stories include helping children who have been mispronouncing “r” and “s” into late elementary and even middle and high school, to improving pronunciation and communication skills in children with syndromes, to teaching young children to communicate with words and to follow instructions, to working with children who stutter, and improving speaking, reading, and writing skills in children of all ages.

How do I know if your clinic is the right fit for my child?

There are a variety of questions to ask to determine if a particular clinic or speech therapist is the right fit for you and your child. You don’t have to spend a dime to get those questions answered because you can request our FREE PHONE CONSULT here. Below are some questions you should ask any therapist whom you’re interviewing to discover if he/she would be a good fit:

1.     Does the therapist who would see your child have experience in treating your child’s main issue? Speech therapy is a vast field and it’s not possible for one therapist to be an expert in everything.

2.     What’s the therapist’s treatment philosophy? There are different ways of approaching therapy and you should make sure that the way your therapist does so fits with your family. Of course, some of this may be difficult for you to put into words and if no one in your family has had speech therapy before you may not know what approach to treatment would fit best. So you may not be able to determine if you and a particular therapist “click” until you and your child actually meet her. For this reason, we offer a FREE DISCOVERY SESSION, a thirty minute speech therapy session during which you and your child can get to know the therapist, see how she works, and the therapist can get an idea of the communication issues your child is struggling with and make some recommendations.

Where do you hold speech therapy sessions?

We provide speech therapy sessions online in the comfort of your home or office via Zoom for Healthcare.

What do you do in speech therapy?

Speech therapy sessions for young children involve lots of play. Although it often seems to adults that play is just for fun, it’s actually the way that children learn about the world, and, in particular, about communication. Fortunately, it also means that speech therapy sessions are naturally rewarding and fun! Sessions generally start with your speech pathologist reviewing the home practice assigned at the last session. Based on how your child is doing with those tasks, your speech pathologist will determine what to focus on in the session. If the child is being asked to learn a new skill, your therapist will take time to explain it and break it down in an understandable way for your child. Then, there will be time to practice it and solidify the skill. After that, there will often be time to play a bit more freely in order for the child to use the skill while pretending or playing a favorite game. Finally, your therapist will teach you how to practice the new skill with your child between sessions. This home practice is a vital part of the program, with children who complete their home practice on a daily basis progressing much faster than those who do not.

Speech therapy begins with an initial evaluation, during which the speech pathologist gathers background information about your child’s health and developmental history, looks in your child’s mouth to find any physical issues that could affect speech, performs formal tests to get your child to say particular words or phrases, and plays and interacts with your child. This is all to gather information which will allow the speech pathologist to determine in which areas your child needs help and what treatment techniques are likely to help him or her improve as quickly as possible. After this information is gathered, the therapist spends time after your appointment carefully analyzing all of the data in order to construct a full treatment plan. This plan is like a roadmap to guide your child’s progress in treatment, with the final destination, in most cases, being clear and age-appropriate communication.

What happens at an initial evaluation and why is it important?

If my child had a speech evaluation at school and therapy was not recommended, does that mean he doesn’t have any speech issues?

Not necessarily. In order to qualify for speech services at school, your child must have a speech or language disability that has a significant negative impact on his education. This means that lisps, mispronunciation of “r”, and sometimes even more mild stuttering won’t automatically qualify a child for school speech therapy. However, those issues can have significant social impacts and impacts on your child’s self-esteem and willingness to participate in group activities, etc. Fortunately, a private speech therapy clinic like ours is free to treat your child without having to navigate the red-tape required in other settings, including schools.

Do you accept my insurance?

All Clear Speech Therapy is an out-of-network provider for all insurance plans. We can provide paperwork at your request for you to forward to your insurance company. Many of our clients are able to get reimbursed via out-of-network benefits. Please contact your insurance company directly for details regarding your out-of-network benefits.

Why aren’t you in-network for insurance?

  • So that your therapist is free to focus 100% on what’s best for your child’s progress in treatment. We can tailor the highest-quality specialized therapy services to your child’s needs, free from the detrimental breaks between sessions that frequently occur while awaiting authorization from bureaucrats whose job is not to help your child, but rather to save your insurance company money.

  • An ever-increasing number of insurance plans deny claims for speech therapy for diagnoses other than those related to severe developmental delays and disorders, such as autism and various syndromes. For this reason, regardless of whether a particular provider is in-network with your insurance, it’s likely you will pay out-of-pocket for speech therapy services.

What are your rates?

Phone Consult: Free


Speech OR Language Evaluation: $178

Speech AND Language, Stuttering, or Specialty Evaluation: $218

If your child has recently had a speech and language evaluation and you can provide us with the written report, we may not need to perform a new assessment. In this case, we will just charge a fee of $72 to review the previous documentation and develop a plan of care.

Speech Therapy Sessions:

One 30 minute session per week = $69/session

Two 30 minute sessions per week = $67/session

One 45 minute session per week = $98/session

Two 45 minute sessions per week = $96/session

One 60 minute session per week = $127/session

Two 60 minute sessions per week = $125/session


Banner photo, What? by Véronique Debord-Lazaro. Some rights reserved: license.